“You shall have no other gods before me.” – Exodus 20:3
Bible Verses About False Idols
Genesis 31:19 – Rachel stole her father’s household gods, showcasing the influence of false idols.
“When Laban had gone to shear his sheep, Rachel stole her father’s household gods.” – Genesis 31:19
Exodus 20:4 – God warns against making any likeness to worship as idols.
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” – Exodus 20:4
Leviticus 19:4 – We are reminded to turn away from false idols and keep our focus on God.
“Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the LORD your God.” – Leviticus 19:4
Deuteronomy 4:28 – It warns about forgetting God and turning to worship worthless idols.
“And there you will serve gods of wood and stone, the work of human hands that cannot see or hear or eat or smell.” – Deuteronomy 4:28
Deuteronomy 5:8 – God reiterates His commandments against idolatry.
“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” – Deuteronomy 5:8
Psalm 115:4-7 – Those who make idols become like them, showing their emptiness.
“But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell.” – Psalm 115:4-7
Isaiah 44:9-20 – God points out the folly of trusting in idols created by hands.
“All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless; those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame