“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” – Psalm 91:11-12
Bible Verses About Angels Watching Over You
Matthew 18:10 – Protecting the little ones.
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” – Matthew 18:10
Luke 4:10-11 – Promises of protection.
“For it is written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” – Luke 4:10-11
Hebrews 1:14 – Ministry of angels.
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14
Psalm 34:7 – Encamped angels.
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7
Isaiah 63:9 – Angelic presence in trouble.
“In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them.” – Isaiah 63:9
Exodus 23:20 – Guidance by angels.
“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” – Exodus 23:20
Revelation 12:7 – Angels do battle.
“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.” – Revelation 12:7
Psalm 91:11-12 – The Lord’s protection.
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” – Psalm 91:11-12
Matthew 26:53 – Angels and God’s might.
“Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” – Matthew 26:53
Daniel 6:22 – Delivered by an angel.
“My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me.” – Daniel 6:22
2 Kings 6:16 – The unseen protection.
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” – 2 Kings 6:16
Psalm 103:20 – Angels and God’s commands.
“Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.” – Psalm 103:20
Isaiah 6:2 – Seraphim’s role in worship.
“Above it stood the seraphim; each one had six wings…and one cried unto another and said, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.'” – Isaiah 6:2
Psalm 68:17 – Chariots of angels.
“The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.” – Psalm 68:17
Luke 15:10 – Joy in heaven.
“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” – Luke 15:10
Acts 12:7 – Angelic rescue.
“Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up.” – Acts 12:7
Genesis 28:12 – Ladder of angels.
“He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” – Genesis 28:12
John 1:51 – Angels ascending and descending.
“He then added, ‘Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.'” – John 1:51
Psalm 37:24 – Uplifting angels.
“Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” – Psalm 37:24
Matthew 28:2 – Angelic presence in resurrection.
“There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone.” – Matthew 28:2
Acts 10:3 – A vision from an angel.
“One afternoon about three o’clock, he had a vision. He distinctly saw an angel of God, who came to him and said, ‘Cornelius!'” – Acts 10:3
1 Thessalonians 4:16 – Angels at the Lord’s return.
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Psalm 103:21 – Angels and His will.
“Praise the Lord, all you his heavenly hosts; you his servants who do his will.” – Psalm 103:21
Luke 1:19 – Angel Gabriel’s message.
“The angel said to him, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.'” – Luke 1:19
Daniel 9:21 – Angelic intervention in prayer.
“While I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice.” – Daniel 9:21
John 10:36 – The Son of God.
“What about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?” – John 10:36
Final Thoughts
Throughout the Bible, there are many verses that illustrate how God sends His angels to watch over us. These heavenly beings serve as protectors and messengers, guiding us through life’s challenges. Each verse captures the essence of God’s unwavering care and the special role angels play in our spiritual journey. Whenever we feel lost or afraid, we can take comfort in the knowledge that angels surround us and are always watching over us. Remember, God’s promise is that we are never alone.
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