8 Prayers for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

Is your husband caught in an affair with another woman? Are you feeling lost and unsure of what to do?

Don’t give up hope just yet. Sometimes, all it takes is a little faith and prayer to bring your husband back and heal the wounds of infidelity.

Here are 8 powerful prayers that you can say for your husband to leave the other woman and return to your marriage.

Prayers for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

1) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and return to me and our marriage

Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and return to me and our marriage

Dear Lord, I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by the pain and betrayal of my husband’s infidelity. I humbly ask that you intervene in our marriage and guide my husband back to me.

Lord, soften my husband’s heart and help him to see the damage his actions are causing our relationship and family. Open his eyes to the love and commitment we once shared and ignite the desire within him to return to our marriage.

Heavenly Father, I ask for your healing and restoration to flow through our marriage. Mend the brokenness caused by his affair and strengthen the bonds of love and trust between us.

Lord, I also pray for the other woman involved. Touch her heart and lead her away from this destructive relationship. Show her the pain and harm that her actions are causing and guide her towards a path of repentance and healing.

With faith and trust in you, Lord, I believe that reconciliation and redemption are possible. Give me the strength and patience to persevere in prayer and to remain steadfast in my love and commitment to my husband.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Dealing with the infidelity of a spouse is an incredibly painful and challenging experience. This prayer acknowledges the heartache and betrayal, while seeking God’s intervention to reconcile the marriage.

It recognizes the importance of softening the husband’s heart and opening his eyes to the damage caused by his actions. Additionally, it asks for healing and restoration in the relationship and for guidance for both the husband and the other woman.

Ultimately, this prayer is a plea for reconciliation and the strength to persevere in love and commitment.

2) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and repent and seek forgiveness from God and me

Prayers for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by the pain and betrayal caused by my husband’s infidelity. I humbly ask that you touch his heart and lead him to repentance.

Lord, help my husband realize the gravity of his actions and the pain he has caused to me, our marriage, and you. Stir within him a deep conviction to turn away from his sinful ways and to seek forgiveness from you and me.

Grant him the courage to confess his wrongdoing, to acknowledge the hurt he has caused, and to take the necessary steps towards reconciliation and healing.

Heavenly Father, I also pray for my own heart, that I may find the strength to forgive my husband for his betrayal. Help me to extend the same forgiveness and grace that I have received from you.

I trust that through genuine repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, our marriage can be rebuilt on a foundation of love, trust, and faith in you.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Repentance is a vital step towards redemption and healing in any relationship. This prayer acknowledges the need for repentance and seeks God’s intervention in guiding the husband towards that path.

It acknowledges the pain caused by the husband’s actions and asks for his heart to be transformed, leading to a genuine confession and seeking forgiveness.

Additionally, the prayer recognizes the need for the wife to find strength in forgiving her husband and extending grace.

It highlights the belief that through repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, the marriage can be restored.

3) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and break the bond and the curse of adultery

Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a broken heart, grieving the betrayal of my husband’s adultery. I cry out to you, asking for your power to break the bond and the curse of this sinful relationship.

Lord, I ask that you sever the ties that my husband has formed with the other woman. Break the chains of temptation and lust that bind him, and empower him to walk away from this destructive relationship.

Fill my husband’s heart with the conviction to stand against the lies and deceit of the enemy. Strengthen him to resist the temptations that come his way and to choose righteousness and faithfulness.

Heavenly Father, I also pray for the other woman involved. I ask that you would reveal to her the emptiness and destruction of her actions. Lead her away from this relationship and guide her towards repentance and healing.

In the name of Jesus, I declare freedom from the curse of adultery over my marriage. I trust in your power to restore what has been broken and to bring healing and redemption to our relationship.


Adultery creates a strong bond that can be difficult to break. This prayer acknowledges the destructive nature of this sinful relationship and seeks God’s power to sever it.

It asks for the husband to be empowered to walk away from the other woman and for the Lord to strengthen him to resist the temptations that arise.

Additionally, the prayer extends compassion towards the other woman and asks for her to be led towards repentance and healing.

Ultimately, the prayer declares freedom from the curse of adultery and trusts in God’s power to bring restoration and redemption to the marriage.

4) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and restore and renew his love and commitment to me

Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman

Gracious God, I come before you with a heavy heart, longing for the restoration and renewal of my husband’s love and commitment to me. I ask that you intervene in our marriage and touch his heart with your love and grace.

Lord, I pray that you would remind my husband of the deep love we once shared. Reignite the flame of passion and desire within him, and restore the bond of love and commitment between us.

Heavenly Father, soften my husband’s heart towards me. Help him see the pain and hurt that his actions have caused and give him the desire to make amends and rebuild our relationship.

Lord, I also pray for healing and forgiveness for myself. Grant me the strength to forgive my husband and to open my heart to the possibility of reconciliation and a renewed love.

I trust in your faithfulness, Lord, and that you are able to restore what has been broken. Help us to rebuild our marriage on a foundation of love, trust, and commitment to each other, with you at the center.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

When a spouse is involved with another person, it can lead to a loss of love and commitment within the marriage. This prayer seeks God’s intervention to restore and renew the husband’s love and commitment to his spouse.

It asks for God to remind him of the love they once shared, reignite the passion, and heal the broken bond.It also acknowledges the need for forgiveness and healing for the wife and expresses a willingness to rebuild the marriage.

The prayer trusts in God’s faithfulness and the power to restore what has been broken, with the understanding that a renewed marriage will have the Lord at its foundation.

5) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and heal and recover from the wounds and the lies of the enemy

Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman

Dear Lord, I come before you seeking your healing touch for my husband’s wounded heart and soul. I ask that you intervene and help him to recover from the wounds caused by his involvement with the other woman.

Lord, you know the lies and deceit of the enemy that led my husband astray. I pray that you would expose these lies and replace them with your truth. Heal his heart and mind from the confusion and pain, and grant him clarity and discernment.

Bring healing and restoration to his soul, Lord. Help him to recognize the destructive nature of his actions and to turn towards your light and love.

Heavenly Father, wrap your loving arms around my husband and give him the strength to overcome the temptations and lies of the enemy. Lead him towards repentance, forgiveness, and a renewed commitment to you and our marriage.

In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Infidelity can cause deep wounds within a person’s heart and soul. This prayer acknowledges the wounds caused by the husband’s involvement with the other woman and seeks God’s healing touch.

It asks for the exposure of the lies and deceit that led him astray and prays for healing and restoration of his soul.

Additionally, the prayer seeks God’s guidance in overcoming the temptations and lies of the enemy and asks for a renewed commitment to God and the marriage.

It recognizes the need for God’s strength and love to bring healing and recovery.

6) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and resist and overcome the temptation and the deception of sin

Prayers for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by the temptation and deception of sin that has led my husband astray. I ask for your intervention and guidance as he faces these temptations.

Lord, strengthen my husband to resist the allure of the other woman and to overcome the deception that sin brings. Give him the wisdom to discern between right and wrong, and the courage to choose righteousness.

Protect him from the enemy’s tactics and help him to recognize the destructive nature of his actions. Fill his heart and mind with your truth and light, and lead him away from the path of sin and towards a life of righteousness.

Father, I also pray for protection and spiritual covering for our marriage. Guard us against any further attacks from the enemy, and help us to stand firm in our commitment to you and to each other.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

When a spouse is involved with another person, the temptation and deception of sin can be ongoing struggles. This prayer acknowledges the power of temptation and seeks God’s intervention and guidance for the husband to resist and overcome it.

It asks for wisdom, discernment, and courage to choose righteousness and to recognize the destructive nature of his actions. Additionally, the prayer seeks protection and spiritual covering for the marriage, recognizing the need to stand firm in commitment to God and each other.

It acknowledges the ongoing battle against the enemy’s attacks and trusts in God’s power to lead the husband away from sin.

7) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and value and honor me as his wife and partner

Prayers for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

Gracious God, I come before you with a heavy heart, feeling undervalued and dishonored by my husband’s involvement with the other woman. I ask that you help him to recognize my worth and honor me as his wife and partner.

Lord, open my husband’s eyes to the love, devotion, and support I have given him throughout our marriage. Help him to see the importance of valuing and honoring the commitment we made to each other before you.

Touch his heart, Lord, and give him a deep understanding of the pain and hurt his actions have caused me. Soften his heart towards me and create in him a desire to rebuild the trust and mutual respect that our marriage needs.

Heavenly Father, I also pray for healing and restoration in my own heart. Strengthen me to navigate through this difficult season with grace and forgiveness.

In the name of Jesus, I declare that I am worthy of love, honor, and respect. I trust in your power to bring about a change in my husband’s heart and to restore the value and honor in our marriage.


Infidelity can cause feelings of being undervalued and dishonored in a marriage. This prayer acknowledges these emotions and seeks God’s intervention in helping the husband recognize the worth and value of his wife.

It asks for the restoration of honor and respect in the marriage and for the husband to see the commitment they made before the Lord.

Additionally, the prayer asks for healing and restoration in the wife’s heart and the strength to navigate through the difficult season.

It declares the worthiness of love, honor, and respect and trusts in God’s power to bring about a change in the husband’s heart.

8) Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman and follow and obey God’s will and plan for our marriage

Prayer for my husband to leave the other woman

Heavenly Father, I come before you seeking your guidance and intervention in my husband’s involvement with the other woman. I pray that you would lead him to follow and obey your will and plan for our marriage.

Lord, reveal to my husband the beauty and purpose of the covenant we made before you. Open his heart to see that your plan for our marriage is far greater than any temporary pleasure or fulfillment he may seek elsewhere.

Help him to surrender his own desires and submit to your perfect will. Give him the strength to break free from the bondage of sin and to fully commit himself to our marriage and to you.

Heavenly Father, I also pray for myself, that I may trust in your plan and have faith that you are working in our marriage. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to partner with you in restoring and strengthening our relationship.

In the name of Jesus, I declare that our marriage is in your hands, and I trust in your perfect will and plan for us. May your love and grace guide us in every step we take.


Seeking God’s will and plan for a marriage is crucial, especially when a spouse is involved with another person. This prayer acknowledges the need for the husband to follow and obey God’s will and plan.

It asks for the husband to recognize the beauty and purpose of the marriage covenant made before God and to surrender his own desires.

Additionally, the prayer asks for trust and faith in God’s plan for the wife and for wisdom and discernment in partnering with Him. It declares that the marriage is in God’s hands and trusts in His perfect will and plan, relying on His love and grace to guide the couple.

Also Read: 8 Prayers for Clarity of Mind (With Bible Verses)

Bible Verses to Read When Praying for My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

1 Corinthians 6:18

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

In praying for your husband to leave the other woman, it is crucial to recognize the seriousness of sexual immorality and the harm it causes. This verse reminds us of the importance of fleeing from such temptation and choosing a life of purity.

1 Corinthians 10:13

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

This verse offers reassurance that, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, God is faithful to provide a way out. As you pray for your husband’s deliverance from the other woman, trust that God will give both of you strength to overcome temptation and find a path to restoration.

Psalm 51:10

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Praying for your husband’s repentance and redirection requires acknowledging that only God can change the heart. As you intercede on his behalf, ask God to create a pure heart within him and to renew his spirit, leading him away from the other woman and back to a committed, faithful relationship.

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Trusting in God’s guidance and surrendering your own understanding is essential when praying for your husband’s departure from the other woman. Submitting to the Lord and seeking His direction in both your life and your husband’s life opens the door for His intervention and the straightening of your paths.

James 5:16

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Seeking support from fellow believers and confessing your struggles can bring healing and strength. As you pray for your husband’s deliverance, remember to involve others in prayer and share your burden with trustworthy individuals who can intercede alongside you.

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